नागरिक पोष्ट News

Impact of CORONA (COVID -19 ) on Students - Sabhyata Shah


Thinking that it will be great fun in 2020, everyone were excited but it is going wrong. Since January, there was the threat of Corona virus (COVID- 19) which started from China. No one ever thought about this. Just now, at the moment thousands of people are dying. This is also due to the harm to natural environment. China and India are already suffering from it and maybe it’s our turn. As Nepal is covered 3 sides from India and 1 side from China, we are in a lot of risk. Only few victim has been recognized yet there is a big threat in peoples mind. At 16th March, India had sent bullets of gases in Nepal but still there is shortage. Government of Nepal has clearly said that if anyone finds shortage of gas, they can contact to given number at administration.

Government of Nepal has also said that for the treatment of COVID – 19 people can go to different hospital, although Teku hospital has already finished all the tests. Nowadays, all the shops, cinema hall, studios, malls, buses, etc. have been closed.

Everyone is talking about their own problems but students also have problems. Due to the infection of Corona virus the student’s exams have been pre-pond & few post-poned. Education sector has also been affected by it. Everyone is staying in home.

Before this problem took place, there was so much pollution still few would wear mask but because of the threat of Corona virus everyone is wearing mask. Peoples are washing hands by soap or alcohol-based sanitizer.

Above picture shows the problems of students. In context of being a student myself, I want to list that the corona virus is affecting students as well. No one thinks about us. Schools and colleges are closed but also we are kept inside house. We can’t go out and play instead kept in home writing articles. Our excitement is gone. Results are also post-poned and this may affect our upcoming academic session.

Below mind map shows corona virus affecting students:

In this moment we can engage ourselves at home by doing some exercise, meditation, reading, cooking etc. Probably we will get rid of this panic situation soon.

- Sabhyata Shah, LRI School, Class 7

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