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The Great Immunity Booster Nepali Foods - Dr. Mira Shah


Good nutritious and essential foods to a strong immune system , which offers protection from illness's such ad flu, weakness ,other health problem like arthritis, allergies, abdominal pain, abnormal cell development and cancer. So protect yourself against infection and boost your immunity's include some foods. The citrus fruits are so great sources of immune system strong . If you are prevent winter cold weather changes and flue, so plan your meal and diet to includes fresh fruit's , these are immune system boosters. The immune system is spread through the body and involve many types of cells, organs, protein, fat, tissues .There are some foods,,,,

*  Citrus fruits

Vitamin C thought to increase the production of white blood cells. These are key to fighting infection , strong immune system . So there are some fruits include your regulars diet, like * * Oranges * grapefruits * lemons * lime Because ours body doesn't store it, so you need vitamin C daily in your diet. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C .

* Red bell pepper (रातो भेडेे खुर्सानी )

Red bell peppers contain twiste as much vitamin c as citrus. They are also rich in sources of beta carotene, so boosting your immune system . Vitamin C also hepl maintain your healthy skin , help keep your eyes and skin . * Broccoli Broccoli , full of package super charge with vitamin C and fibet. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables , so you can put on your plate. *Garlic Garlic to the National Centet for complementary and introgrative health, garlic may also hepl lower blood pressure and slow down hardening of the arteries . Garlic immune boosting properties seems to come from a heavy concentration of suffer containing compounds, such as allicin.

*  Ginger

Ginger, may helps decrease information , which can help reduce a sore throat and others illness. Ginger may also decrease nousea, chronic pain and may possess cholesterol lowering properties, according to recent animal research. * Spinach, rich in vitamin C , antioxidant and beta carotene , which may decreased the infection fighting ability of our  immune system . However, light cooking enhances it's vitamin A and allow others nutrients to be released from oxalic acid.

* Yogurt

Yogurt and butter milk (mohi) , stimulate your immune system to help fight disease. Yogurt can also be a great source of vitamin D . Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system and is thought to boost our bodys natural defenses against disease. * Almonds Almonds is fat soluble vitamin , it require the presence of fat to be absorbed properly. Vitamin E is key to a healthy immune system preventing and fighting off cold, infection.

* Turmeric

Turmeric is anti - inflammatory in treating both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Also recent research shows that high concentrations of which gives turmeric its distrinctive color, can help decreased exercise - include muscle damage.

* Green tea

Green tea and black tea(without sugar) , both of antioxidant . Green tea really excels is in it's level of epigallicatechin gallate, or GCG, another powerful antioxidant . EGCG ( pigallacotechin 3 gallat)has been shown to enhance immune function . Green tea is also a good sources of amino acid L- theamine may aid in the production of germ- fighting compounds in your T- cells. Recent studies indicate that dysregulate balance of different CD4 + T - cells thats subpopulation plays a key role in immune pathogenesis of several major outoimmune disesse. *Papaya Papaya another fruits loaded with vitamin C . Papaya also have a digestive  

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