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Most kids get adequate amount of nutrients from a balance diet, but under certain circumstances, children may need to supplement with vitamin or minerals. 

          *The nutrients needs to kids 

Nutrients needs for kids are dependent on age, sex, size, growth and developments. 

In a addition to eating enough calories, a child's diet should meet the following Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) 

Nutrients.       DRI for 1-3.   DRI 4-8 years 

Calcium.         700 mg.         1000 mg 

Iron.                 7 mg.              10 mg 

Vitamin A.        300 mcg.       400 mcg 

Vitamin B12.    0.9 mcg.         1.2 mcg 

Vitamin C.         15 mg.             25 mg 

Vitamin D.           15 mcg.          15 mcg 

Children require some amount of every vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development, but exact amount vary by age, sex, older children and teens need different amounts of nutrients than younger kids to support optimal health. 

  *Do kids have different nutrients needs than adults? 

Kids needs the same nutrients as adults, but usually require smaller amounts. 

Kids usually needs smaller amounts of vitamins and minerals than adults. Nutrients than help build bone and promote brain development are especially significant in childhood. 

One study in 937 kids age 3-7 found that picky eating was strongly associated with low intake of iron and zinc.  Still, the results indicates that blood levels of these minerals were not significantly different in picky compared to non picky eater. 

   * Choose the vitamins and it's dosage 

If your child follows a restricted diet may adequately absorb nutrients, or is a picky eater, they may benefit from taking vitamins. Always discuss supplements with a healthcare provider before giving them your child. 

* How To ensure, your children is getting enough nutrients 

Children are getting adequate amount of nutrients so that they don't need supplements, more sure their diet contains a variety of nutritious foods. 

Seasonable fruits, vegetable  whole grains  lean protein healthy fats, and dairy products, into meals snacks will likely provide your child with enough vitamins and minerals. 

A healthy diet for kids should also limit added sugar and high processed foods and focus on whole fruits, over fruits juice. 

However, if you feel that your children is not getting proper nutrition through diet alone, supplements can be safe and effective methods to deliver the nutrients children need. 

If you are confused, so consults about your dietitian, if you are concerned about your child nutritional intake. 

* Do kids needs vitamins supplements? 

In general, kids that eat a healthy, balance diet don't needs vitamins supplements. 

However, infant have different nutrients need than children and may require certain supplements, such as vitamin D for breastfeeding baby 

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