नागरिक पोष्ट News

The study indicated that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) , characterized by excessive and worrying ,is present in about 15 % of those with IBS (irritable bowl syndrome ) . 


The study indicated that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) , characterized by excessive and worrying ,is present in about 15 % of those with IBS (irritable bowl syndrome ) . 

Depression ,or major depression disorpressionder ,is a common and serious mood disorder . It course persistent negetive feeling and affect about how you think , feel ,and handle duty activities .


According , to the National Institute og Mental Health , depression , can occur along with other serious illness , making these condition  worse and vice versa .


A 2009 study showed that beyond the physical symptoms ,patient discribed the effects of IBS on daily function , thought feeling and behaviours .

The cited ( uncertainly and unpredictability with loss of freedom , spontainity and social  contact , as well as feeling of fearfulness ,shame , and embrrassment". 

        Depresion and  The  onset of IBS 

A 2012 study indicates that's , in some people , there are psychological and social factors that can lead to IBS . Thise influence digestive function ,symptom perception ,and outcome .

A 2016 study concluded that there is strong evidence that the gut and brain interact directionally in IBS .


          Personalize your prevention 

The sypmtoms of IBS are uncomfortable and potentially embrrassing . Cramping , bloating , gas and diarr*are pain . Yet there are several lifestyle changes and home remedies that you can try to provide some relief .


             Eat more fiber 

* Fiber is a bit of a mixed bag for IBS sufferes . It helps ease some symptoms like cramping and gas . Still , high fiber foods  such as fruits , veget\, and roots are recommended as an IBS  treatement if taken gradually over several weeks .

           Go easy on the dairy 

Some people who are lactose intolerant have IBS . If you are of them , you can try eating yoghurt , mohib, inste\ if milk for daily requirement .

           Make smart food choices 

It goes without saying that certain foods can make gastrointestinal (GI) pain worse . Be on the looout for which foods exacerbate your symptoms , and be sure to avoide them , some common problem foods and drinks includs  

* coffee 

* soda 

*dairy products 

* beans 

* cabbage 

* couliflower 


*alcohol etc

While there are some foods that you should avoid , there are also some foods 

you can  eat that helps IBS .

The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) suggest that foods containing probiotics , or bacteria  that helpful to your gut and digestive symptom , have helped relieve some  symptoms of IBS such as boating and gas .

                Low fat diet 

High fat diet are generally low in fiber , which  can be problematic for IBS related constipation .

            Low FODMAP Diet (Fermentable Oligosaccharides , Disaccharades ,Monosaccharadess and Polyots)

FODMAPs diet are carbohydrate that are difficult for the intestines to digest . Since these carbohydrate pull more water into the bowl , people with IBS may experience more gas , bloating , and diarrhoea after eating these foods .

 Its important to note that's not all carbohydrate are FODMAPs  for the best outcome , you have to remove the right kinds of foods . Foods to avoid include 

*  lactose ( milk , icecream , cheese , yogurt fat )

* certain fruits ( peaches , watermelon ,pears, mangoes ,apple , plums,nectavines 

* legumes 

* high fructose corn syrup


* bread, pasta , cereals 

* cashews and pistachios 

* certain  vege?( artichoice , asparagus , broccoli , onion 

 * brusse*, sprout , coulifower , mushroom ,) keep in mind that while this diet eliminate some fruits , nuts , vegetable  and dairy , it doesn't  eliminate  all foods from thes catagorie .


            Low fiber diet

Increasing fiber intake can worsen if you frequently have a gas and diarrhoea . Before you completely eliminate fiber from your diet , cencentrate on soures of soluble fiber found in produce items , such as apple , carrot ,flaxseeds , and outmeal . Soluble fiber dissoilves in water instead of adding extra bulk associated with insoluble fibet. Common source of insoluble fiber include whole grain , nuts ,tomato , raisins , broccoli ,and cabbage .

               Gluten free diet 

Gluten is a protein found in grain products such as bread  , pasta . The protein can change the intestines in people who are gluten free intolerant . Some people with a sensitivity or intolerable to gluten also exprerience IBS . In such cases , a gluten free diet may reduce symptoms . Eliminate barley, rye and wheat from your diet to see if gastrointestinal problem improve .

            Eliminate diet 

An eliminate diet focus on avoiding certain foods for an extended period of time to see if your IBS symptoms improve .

The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestional Disorder (IFFGD) recommended cutting out these four common foods .

* coffee  


*insoluble fiber 

*  nuts 

completely eliminate one food from your diet for 12 weeks at a time . Note any different in your IBS symptoms and move on to the next food an your diet list . 



Dt. Mira Shah

Dietitian / Nutritionist 

Kirtipur hospital 

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