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Eating Breakfast Every Day ,Can Lower Your Risk For Type -2 Diebetes and Other Health Problem


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day ,and new research show why its so important to eat healthy in morning .

German researcher conducted a review of existing studies and concluded that skipping breakfast even occasionally is associated with a higher risk of developing typr -2 diabetes and other health issues . The review looked at data from more than 96000 people ,spanning 6 separate studies . The researcher found that skipping breakfast once a week is associated with a 6 percent higher risk of developing type - 2 diabetes . The number rose from there with skipping breakfast 4 to 5 times per week leading to an increased risk of 55 percent . The research was published in The Journal of Nutrition . The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that 90 to 95 percent of the 30 million people in the United States Living with diabetes have type - 2;diabetes . While type 1 diabetes is less common and generally diagnised early in life , type - 2 diabetes typically develop in people over the age of 40 - 45 . Risk factor including being overweight and physically inactive ,poor lifestyle ,along with genetics. How Breakfast Helps "Some smalk studies suggest that skipping the morning meal can actually lead to more insulin resistance ,said Jenna Freamam Scudder ,RD , a dietitian at The Ohio State University Waxner Medical center who focus on helping people with diabetes . "Insulin resistance is a condition that require more insulin to bring blood sugar into the normal . And when its chronic there is a major risk factors for type - 2 diabetes . " Omitting breakfast in the morning has also been with on increase in blood sugar following both lunch and dinner . This can put under stress on the body as well as leading to poor diatary clinices ". "Not bring that fast after a nights sleep can strain your body and its makes unhealthy ,high calories option more appearing ." Who Has The Time A 2015 poll found that 53 percent of American skip breakfast almost a week and 12 percent don't eat breakfast at all. That same study found that when many people do not breakfast ,on the go by gabbing a quick meal at a fast food restaurent or coffee shop ,and start with unhealthy meal. "Encourageing people to eat breakfast should included discussing what the popular American breakfast foods tend to be . Things like donuts pastries ,pancakes ,and sweetend cereals are full of saturated fat and contain very little protein and fiber ,these foods are not start with morning ." The Nepalis breakfast foods tend to be ,bread ,oats ,roti satu ,eggs ,chana and fruits ,milk are full of protein and fiber ,so you eat regular this breakfast for your healthy diet . "Oatmeal that have healthy breakfast and high in fiber foods so you can eat regularly in the morning . If plain oatmeal is too bland ,so mixing in a little honey ,jaggery ,fresh fruits and nuts also. Eating breakfast of high fiber complex carbohydrate ,and protein is a best . It can help you kick start your day, give you energy satisfy your appetite ,and set the stage for healthy eating all day long. Researchers say skipping breakfast ,even occasionally ,can increase your risk for type - 2 diabetes . Experts say this is because of the relationship between diabetes , insulin ,and blood sugar levels. People eat a healthy ,hearty breakfast that fills them up and prevents spikes in their blood sugar .     Dt. Mira Shah Nutritionist / Dietitian Kirtipur Hospital Cell no. 9860831808

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